Issue #92-Tools to Help Coaches Understand their Athletes Motivation

Guiding Greatness:

Tools to Help Coaches Understand Athlete Motivations

Last week I did a deep dive into the importance of understanding your athletes motivation. When an athlete feels like their coach understands

If you haven't read it, I would love if you read it here:

This week I am providing resources to help you learn more about motivation and handouts to use with your team.

A Few Great Podcasts

I am a fanboy of the Finding Mastery Podcast. Dr. Michael Gervais is one leaders in the field of mental performance, he always has fantastic guests and I always learn from his questioning. He gets the world's best to really unpack the habits and qualities that make them the world's best. Sometimes this means sharing more than they intend to.

I prefer my podcasts in audio format as I like to walk and listen but here is the video version if you like to watch.

video preview

The audio version is here:

Another great podcast is the Coaching Culture Podcast hosted by J.P. Nerbun and Nate Sanderson. J.P's book The Culture System is a must read for any coach.

This three part series is a deep dive on Player Motivation:

An Assessment to Help you Understand What Motivates your Athletes.

I have created an assessment to use with your athletes to help you understand their relationship with Internal and Extrenal drivers and rewards.

Use it however you like. I would love to hear if it was helpful.

You can download the motivation assessment here:

Athlete Motivation Questionaire.pdf

My Favourite Coaching Podcast Episodes

I have compiled over 100 hours of great professional development. Topics include team culture, improving instruction and coaching philosophy as well as mental performance. It is a coaching clinic that you can return to again and again.

Can I help you on your coaching journey? Let's work together.

I would love to help you or your team build a competitive advantage. Here are a few ways :

  • Consult with your team
  • Teach mental skills via Zoom
  • Work 1 on 1 with coaches
  • Work 1 on 1 with athletes

Shoot me an email I love to talk coaching and see how I can help you. Coaching is hard, I would love to help make it easier. Send me an email at

Thanks for reading and have a great week.

The Competitive Advantage- A Newsletter for Coaches

My newsletter focused on the three pillars of peak performance; building high-performing athletes, creating championship cultures, and coaches who sustain excellence. In the newsletter, I provide frameworks and practical strategies that I have used during my 23-year career as a Varsity Boys Basketball coach and work as a Mental Performance Coach.

Read more from The Competitive Advantage- A Newsletter for Coaches

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